Saturday, May 30, 2009

Saturday Night

Hi Lynn,
I am making a few minor changes to your end-of-the-week message - mostly to add my two cents worth - and I will email it to you tomorrow. I'll also look over the other attachment. I have replied to all the posts and read everything. No messages that need your attention at this time.
I will do the attendance tomorrow. I ordered my textbook for fall and it should be here soon. Hope all is going well on the class trip!
I just sent you an email with the first week's announcement and the final curriculum requirements sheet in an attachment. COuld you look them over and change or edit anything that needs it? Thanks!

Friday, May 29, 2009

I have responded to all initial responses but when students respond to each other I tend to let those conversations develop a bit before stepping in. Are there any particular ones I should have responded to and didn't? I'm trying to visit the class as often as possible and have been going in during the school day when my students are working in class. However, I get interrupted and need to attend to the class I am teaching so I am juggling two jobs at once. But, I just finished the class and feel fairly good that I have responded to everyone's initial post. With only three weeks left in school I am teaching a final unit on the Renaissance while trying to attend to the first week of summer online classes. I will get better as we move through the class and I get done for the summer!

I am really enjoying the class and am excited by the multiple posts and lengthy responses! We have many students with an abundance of experience that will stimulate discussions and enhance the process - that is good! Their annotated citations are good choices and others may want to view them as well - this is a great medium for this kind of work - I may look at some of their books choices as well!

Well, I am off on the senior class trip! I will return late Monday and have sent emails to all my students. Talk to you soon! Have a good weekend and feel better!!

Snail Mail...

The snail mail arrived today. I haven't had time to peruse it yet, but will tomorrow morning. Should I just start typing it up in a Word document as I look it over?

More Thoughts...

Hey Lynn,
I am having a blast interacting on our discussion board! I am so glad to be back in the thick of things. It is probably a good thing that the structure of my life involves 15-week intervals of intense work, interspersed with brief periods of rest, only to start up again with a whole new group of people. Does this mean I am actually suffering from some social disorder? Hmmm...
I have been thinking about our need to create a sharing space for curriculum-related items, and I think opening a new forum is preferable to the blog idea. I love blogs, but the structure is very linear and we actually need the ability to start new threads and have relevant replies show up in the vicinity of the original post. Does this make sense?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday Evening

I haven't received the snail mail yet - probably tomorrow. I am thoroughly enjoying the discussion board in our class! Occasionally, I see a question that I think you should answer, but mostly I am just enjoying the interaction and meeting these new students. I am glad you like the idea of creating a space for students to get feedback. That peer-editing concept is just what I had in mind. I'm going to give some thought to whether we should use a forum or a blog site; I'll get back to you tomorrow on that one.
Off to the store. More later,
Hey Suzanne!
Thanks for the feedback - you have no idea how much I appreciate working with you!! I love the idea of a place where students can share their information - be it observations or ideas for lesson plans and activities!! It's a great idea - let's do it!! It would also provide students with the opportunity to peer edit each other's work which I heartily support! Yes, I think this final project will be interesting and I am SURE we'll have to tweak it along the way - but hey - it's our first time with this class - we'll learn from our mistakes and the students! Ha!

So, do we create another forum for those discussions? I'm not sure how to do that - we could always create a blog for them too - I need your help with this part. I can always set up a group discussion forum for these discussions as well. What are your thoughts?

I appreciate your feedback on my venting incident. It is very frustrating at times and I'm usually an old softie most of the time but there are times when my softness can be more harmful than helpful!!

I'm happy to see you commenting to students in the forum - your presence and comments provide another perspective of the learning that is taking place! Thanks!! I don't always say everything I need to in my responses and you say it so much better than I do!! That's the English teacher in you!:))

Even though I'm still teaching high school I'm loving this first week of class and have actually been able to get in often throughout the day to read and respond to students!

Have you received my snail mail yet? Just curious.... Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday Update

Hi Lynn,
First, I want to thank you for venting because it is very validating to read that other instructors wrestle with this stuff. I don't blame you for seeing red! I went through a similar experience last semester. It always depresses me when students display such an immature approach to their own education. If we let them get away with it, we are enabling the dysfunctional behavior and sending the message that there will always be someone to bail them out. Your post made me realize that I'm a little softer than I should be in these situations. As I said before, it is good to work with another instructor who can help me see my own shortcomings!
I agree that these first few weeks of class are intense, but despite my illness, I am happy to be back to work! My other two classes are shaping up to be great ones. I am excited for you to be done with the HS classes and able to fully enjoy the online experience.
I read your replies to our students about how to manage the observations piece, which was good advice. I am curious to see how these projects develop. I had a thought about this element of the finals: What if we created a forum for sharing pieces of the project and asking for feedback? For example, a student could post an observation and ask for feedback about the clarity of their writing or the validity of their comments about what they observed. Overall, I see it as a way for students to gain confidence in their work. Maybe some great examples will show up and encourage more thorough observations from others. This is sort of how my Eng. comp. course works and since confidence is always an issue for our students, they might appreciate an opportunity to share. Just a thought.
Lastly, I want to thank you for understanding that I needed some down time over the last few weeks. I felt a little beat up and needed to lick my wounds for a while. I had a few difficult students, but more that, I felt a lot of stress about my dad and his needs. You were great to just let me take it easy. Even though I am physically out-of-sync right now, I am psychologically stronger for having taken a break. Thanks for recognizing my needs.
More later,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A beer! Now that sounds so good!! :)) Yes, I love the blog!

I just finished responding to all my classes, whew!! The first few weeks are really busy - getting everyone on the same page and having them point out my mistakes! :) In our class I decided to let them observe any classroom - ideally they should be observing a day-care, pre-school or kindergarten class - so if they have the opportunity to observe what they need for the assignments I'm letting them go with it. At the end of the week I'll create a new announcement, recap the week and do a bit of housekeeping by explaining how to use the curriculum sites and their assignments to create their curriculum. The sooner they understand that the sooner they can begin their observations and assignment work to get started. I will also introduce the concept of an essential question to guide the segments of their curriculum. Some may choose a thematic curriculum, others may go for a core discipline based curriculum and others still may choose something of their own choosing - I am really curious to see what they develop - they will all have the same assignments, what they do with them is going to be interesting!

My other classes look like excellent classes ! I am just ready to get done with school so I can devote all my time to the online classes! This is what I really enjoy!!

However, I hope you don't mind - but I just need to vent for a bit - you would understand my frustrations .........I received an email today from a student in one of my spring classes. It's the first day of summer classes and it's been over two weeks since the spring class has been closed and grades posted. This student emails me and tells me her finanacial aid has been taken away and it was my class that caused it and could I giver her a C- to get back in to good standing for fall classes!! When this happens I see red - these kids know I post grades every week and they can visit the gradebook at any time - if they have questions or concerns they should contact me and discuss it then - not two weeks after the fact!! This student did not complete the mid-term and missed two classes as well as two assignments. I emailed her about the missed assignments and exam and got no response. Now she wants to enroll in summer courses and her finanacial aid is affected because she received a "D" in my class and it's my fault. These are the little things that get me very angry. I was quite proud of myself - I didn't exactly blast her but I patiently went through each week's grades to show her how her grade was tabulated and explained that she should check her grades more often and address any issues right then and not wait. Okay, I feel better just writing it out - thanks in advance for letting me vent......

Hope each day you get stronger and fight this virus. Talk to you soon!

One more thing

I forgot to thank you for sending the fall course stuff my way; I'm looking forward to perusing those materials. In addition, my exam copy is on its way and I am anxious to get my hands on it!

Tuesday night

I'm glad you like the blog site. It really does work well for our purposes. It is easy to do and I will walk you through it some day on the phone.
I went to the doc today and she decided I don't have strep, but might have the flu. She did a culture and will let me know in a few days. She is quite sure it is viral rather than bacterial. She prescribed an inhaler because it appears that I have allergy-induced asthma. I'm not too surprised by that one because my mother was severely asthmatic most of her life. As of right now, I feel tired but optimistic that this should be getting better soon.
I have been looking over the documents you posted to our site - fantastic! They are excellent and so easy to find. These will make the cumulative curriculum development very doable over the course of the semester.
A student asked about whether daycare observations and classroom observations were of equal value for this course. I decided to let you field this one. For the purposes of my assignments, I think either would be useful, but that is likely not the case for some of your assignments.
I'm off to drink yet another cup of tea, although I think I might feel better if I just have a beer!

Hi Suzanne!

Thanks for setting up the blog - you'll have to show me how to do this - it can't be that hard!! It was great talking with you as well - I miss our long discussions - you get me all excited about teaching!! I hope your doctor's appointment goes well and you start to feel better soon!!

I also visited BB this morning and responded to the student's inquiry - I suggested she visit another day care because it won't be an unbiased observation if she does it at her own day-care, but I am willing to make adjustments - I know how hard it is to get time off to visit another day-care, when you have to work.

I also snail mailed the Fostering Creative Learning materials this morning so you should have them in a few days.

I am in class at the moment and need to discipline a students so I'll talk to you later...... Tke care!
Hey Lynn,
It was great chatting with you. I have missed our long phone discussions, and as soon as I get my voice back I hope we can reinstate that practice! I have a doctor's appointment at 11:45 and hope to get some good antibiotics. Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!
Here is our new blog site. I called Nicole this morning to ask about getting my exam copy of the text, and I left a message.
I have been to the discussion board this morning and replied to a student's question and welcomed Ann Schroeder to the class. I'm looking forward to things getting busier later this week.
Did all go well with your sleep study?
More later,